Saturday, 31 August 2013

No, I didn't have my daughter when I was 10

When you get pregnant at 16 and become a mom at 17 the stigma breaks you. 

The first few years you realize people no longer have any expectations of you. Society, family, friends, strangers: all assume you've halted your path to being a responsible adult and will lead a depressed liability of a life as a loose-moraled chain smoker on social assistance. These initial reactions are overwhelming. Having overcome a rough time at home when I was 13-14, I was in a good place at 16: I got good grades, was president of a local youth group ("Young People Helping People"), just finished my first summer job as a Youth Health Promoter, and had a good group of friends. I was a headstrong kid and when I found out I was pregnant I decided to seek the normal life I thought I would have had otherwise and to be a great mom. Teen mom stereotypes just pushed me harder. I moved out of my parents' house when I was three months pregnant (lined up an apartment for four days after telling them the news in case things went dire), quit smoking as soon as I took the pregnancy test, tracked all of my food intake daily to make sure it followed the Canadian food guide for pregnant mothers, went to my normal school for as long as I could, I took my driver's license as soon as I could, had a natural childbirth, breastfed for 15 months. I was determined to not become a loser and to raise a confident kid.

I wanted so badly to not be a stereotypical young parent thing that I unnecessarily made things hard on myself. The biggest example of this was to try to make things work with my baby's father, when it was hopeless from the start, leading to ten years of being miserable and painstakingly low on cash. I also had a hate on for any special treatment and felt like I had to be a responsible adult like, yesterday. So I refused special schools for teenage parents, fast-tracked grades 11 and 12 in one year so as to complete OAC a year early, went to University (graduated English Literature Cum Laude and Social Work with High Honours), worked part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer (admin at Visual Arts Department, homework club tutor, book club moderator), refused to do homework until after putting Liana to bed, put her in extra curricular activities from age 3 (swimming, ballet, art, theatre, skating) and threw frequent  big sleepover parties and birthdays for her. 

There were costs I didn't even realize I was paying at the time. Friendships suffered because I was too busy to make them a priority and 17 year olds aren’t sure how to be friends with someone with a kid (do they still invite me to places knowing I can't go? do they have to hang out with the kid?). It was difficult to make new friends because I had nothing in common with people my own age. In University the other students were out on their own for the first time in their lives with no responsibility. I had lived on my own for over two years already and my evenings and weekends were reserved for watching Barney and going to the park. To this day I get a pang of sadness when I hear my husband or friends talk about University dorm life, parties and nightclubs - it's like a right of passage that I missed. Oh and I can't dance. I can't dance because when I was 19 I'd tuck my daughter into bed at 8pm and go to bed shortly afterwards. Meanwhile other people my age got good at dancing.

I assumed those first few years would be the hardest and I guess they were. But there were long term effects I hadn't realized. Mainly this: for the rest of my life, almost anytime I meet anyone, having a baby at 17 will come up.

Darcy once told me that before our first date he was chatting with a friend who asked how he felt about me having kids and he told her he would be okay with it but I’d have to be “fucking amazing.” I like to look back on that as “aww, he thought I was fucking amazing” (right back at him!) but it also speaks to the higher standard I have to (or feel I have to) achieve in every aspect of my life. Without kids I may have attracted Darcy if I ranked a 5 and were nice. With kids, I maybe had to rank an 8, be funny, smart, compatible, and charming.  

Teen pregnancy is this necessary and awkward topic to breach everytime I meet people and I meet a lot of people. Think of how often people ask if you’re married or have kids. Or ask if your pregnancy or baby are your firsts. Yesterday alone this came up three times: esthetician doing my makeup, hairstylist curling my hair, and random girl at a girls night I attended. I even got the ol’ “what were you 10?!” (last head a mere three weeks ago at a baby shower) which might be intended as a compliment but ruined by the implication of teen promiscuity. Meeting Liana’s teachers and friends’ parents feel especially latent with judgement. Co-workers talking about the drama on the show Teen Mom at social gatherings ranks high on the awkward scale, too.

These last 13 years I’ve dealt with these situations by avoiding people, beating them to the punch by bringing it up myself, cracking jokes about it, making them feel awkward for asking, and, the worst, which I haven’t done in a long time, not mentioning her or outright lying (in situations like the esthetician that I’ll never see again). People ask in varying weird ways, too. Some outright tell me I can’t have a 13 year old because I’m too young (no, really, teenagers can get pregnant, true story).

The feelings it conjures up are a messed up mix of not wanting to be asked about it (no one wants to recall almost daily a stupid mistake made as a teenager) and simultaneously wanting to boast about one of the most important people in my life that I’m proud of. There’s shame, guilt for feeling shame, and hard-earned acceptance. All felt while emanating (false) aloofness because no one means to delve into the full extent of what they're implying.

For the most part I’m used to it all. I truly love my life. I have an amazing husband, kids, friends, family, dog, house, job and hobbies, and I don’t feel jealous/envious of anyone. Liana is far from one of the teary-eyed kids on the NYC “not now” ads. She’s a confident teenage girl with a normal life. And maybe one day I’ll find the perfect thing to say to a stranger when told I’m too young to be her mom.


Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Back to school + Evelyn sleeps and grows

Yesterday was the first day of school for the two eldest kids. It had me a little nostalgic at how fast they're growing so I pulled out some first day of school photos. Apparently I didn't realize first day of school photos were a thing until about 2010 so there are gaps.

Watch out junior kindergarten!
Grade 1
Grades JK/5
Junior kindergarten
Grade 7 (not all about mom taking photos that year!)
Senior kindergarten
Grades1/8 photobomb
Grade 8
Grade 1

Caleb had a good first few days. He explained to me that there are four differences between grade 1 and senior kindergarten: individual desks instead of group tables, no more nap time, different school yard lineup spot, and different playground (rocks instead of sand). There are two grade 1 classes but he's got a good amount of friends in his class. Liana's had a mediocre first few days. None of her close friends are in her class (there are five grade 8 classes plus a 7/8 split) and she already has homework. This semester she's got French, English, math, science, gym, history, theater and visual arts.

Last night was kind of a big deal happened! Evelyn slept from 9:30pm to 7am straight. If I'd only gone to bed at the same time as she did I'd actually be well rested but I've been pumping milk for the weekend after tucking her in. But this was a huge deal. Liana didn't sleep through a night until she was four years old (that's right: years) and Caleb was nine months old but I sleep trained him. So Evelyn wins this round of sibling firsts!

This morning we took Evelyn to her first family doctor appointment. Evelyn was pleased to be stripped down and allowed to wiggle on the scale bed. She was all smiles like we'd finally taken her somewhere fun. She weighs 11.9 lbs (60th percentile), measures 62 cm in length (96th percentile), and I didn't note her head circumference but it's in the 86th percentile. She was given some Tylenol (for the first time) and an oral vaccine, both of which she seemed to like, and then the less enjoyable injections to both little thighs. She drowsily slept through most of the afternoon but seems to be acting normal.

Monday, 26 August 2013

No day like today

Since the last post each day was fairly different so  here's a snapshot.

Running around like a chicken day


There have only been a few moments so far when having three children has felt overwhelming. One of these took place last Tuesday. It went something like this:

9am-noon: Liana and her friend bus to school and back to pay school art fees and get PRESTO cards
10am-noon: Pack up Evelyn and Caleb for Caleb's dentist appointment and shopping for new sneakers.
noon-1:30pm: Feed and change Evelyn. Make lunch for Liana, her friend and Caleb. Mediate Caleb acting out because he wants to hang with the older girls.
1:30pm-4pm: Pack up the three kids for Liana's dentist appointment, Caleb's haircut appointment and Sports Check shopping for gym clothes for Liana.
4pm-4:30pm: Drop off Caleb at his last guitar lesson, go back home to feed and change Evelyn, pick up Caleb from guitar.
4:30pm-6:30pm: Prepare, eat and clean up dinner.
7pm-8:30pm: Drive Liana and Caleb to their dad's and return via a construction and traffic nightmare.
8:30pm-10:30pm: Hang out with Evelyn until she finally gives into sleep. Crawl into bed.

Couscous balls: a Liana creation
Caleb guitar practice
Evelyn enjoying wiggling on her change table
Pile of clothes and diapers Evelyn's already outgrown

Mommy gets sick day


I got sick with a stomach flu for the first time since the baby was born. Darcy had taken a vacation day so he was around to care for Evelyn. I need to take pictures of the two of them hanging out because it's very sweet. Anyway needless to say I felt awful and didn't do much other than log 26 hours on Steam playing the main story arc of DOTP 2014.


Kidfree social activities


Kidfree moments felt few and far between but this past weekend and the upcoming one are filled with an abundance of adult social activities. ASaturday I went bridal shopping for Julia. Watched her get her glamour on in some wedding gowns and then picked out my bridesmaid dress (this cute one by Bill Levkoff in Glacier) and the other girls picked theirs. That evening was a friend's birthday but Darcy went on our behalf - we've been doing a lot more separate things since it's simpler to care for Evelyn that way.

Sunday morning I walked/jogged the 5K Colour Run. Cons were delayed start time, unorganised volunteers, colour stations not always well maned (I didn't get any yellow after passing through the yellow station), and pylons in a giant parking lot not being a motivating/scenic route. Pros were the company, the weather and the colour pink. Still an experience I'm glad I got, though.

We skipped Sunday lunch at my parents' as I had a baby shower that afternoon. For one of the games the hosts had printouts of the results of mom-to-be on Morph Thing with a dozen celebreties (plus one with her husband). We had to guess by looking at the babies who she'd been, well, mixed with. It was neat because (1) it was a baby shower game I hadn't yet seen and (2) I won!

We each found a Levkoff dress we liked
All coloured up

Cranky kids day 


Today is Caleb and Liana's last day of summer vacation. It started off great with an outing to Millenium Park and lunch at the Place d'Orleans playplace. But once we got home there was a tired Caleb, an overly sensitive Liana, and the crankiest baby Evelyn I'd yet seen. It was a loooong afternoon and evening.

Becka getting Evelyn to sleep
The boys are at the very top
Caleb and Lucien

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Month 2 milestones

Here's the second milestone installment.

Evelyn's second month developmental milestones include the following:
-babbles when spoken to
-lifts head for longer periods
-sleeps up to 7.5 hours at night (but most often one bout of 4-5 hours and then up every hour)
-sucks on fists
-grabs and holds onto hair
-bathes in the big tub
-fits in six month clothing
-attends Sunday Magic league events

A neat aspect of Evelyn getting bigger is that we can tell more easilly what she enjoys. Evelyn's favourite things to do lately, in order of preference, are:
1. Drinking milk
2. Punching/kicking/wiggling diaperless on change table
3. Bath time
4. Going for walks in her stroller
5. Being talked or sang to

She's kicking/punching/wiggling on a lot of these!

It's Super Baby!

I asked Caleb to try to make her smile - this wasn't what I had in mind!

Dexter yawning - he thought this was all pretty boring
Part grimace and part smile

Evelyn's deer in the headlights imitation
"Read the sign"

Dance moves demo

Monday, 19 August 2013

Visit from grandmas, annual summer pool party and a D&D kid party

Grandma and great-grandma came for a visit last week. They arrived Wednesday late afternoon and left early Thursday morning. Liana also used her sewing machine for the first time in forever and made a cute little makeup bag.

Bag + photobomb dog
Vegan contents
Chilly day
Great grandma cuddles
Grandma cuddles
Friday was spent prepping for our annual summer pool party. I've really been enjoying the food aspect of hosting parties lately. Here was the menu Liana and I came up with:
Strawberry lemonade punch
Raspberry delight smoothie pitcher

Cucumber water
Coronas with lime

Spinach salad
Raspberry apple salad
Caprese salad

Chicken wings
Hot dogs

Pulled pork and buns
Kale chips
Roasted potato mix
Jalapeno poppers
Veggies with (the most garlicky) baba ghanouj
Cheese assortment with crackers and grapes

Chocolate tofu pie
Vegan peach cobbler
Melon balls
Cake pops
Cream puffs
Rice pudding
This was the first time I attempted making jalapeno poppers. My lack of expertise led me to not only deseed the peppers gloveless but to try to get the smell and taste out by taking a hot bath (if it's possible that anyone's as clueless as I was: cold water alleviates symptoms while hot water intensifies them). I must have touched my face because I had red spots on it, of course my fingers burned, but, worst of all, I was unable to touch Evelyn. As embarrassing as it was Darcy had to leave work early to help with the baby, and Liana watched her until then (Darcy arrived just as Liana was heading out to a babysitting interview). Darcy brought me aloe vera and gloves so I was able to feed her. No harm done in the end and the rest of the food prep was fun to do.

How to get stuff done with an eight week old
These were good but not worth the trouble nor the pain
This was a major calorie cheat day for me and cheese was the highlight
Salad table - unfortunately we didn't photograph the dessert table
Mom took over the barbecuing once she arrived
Baby Isaac


Lucien, Eddie and Adrian

Caleb and River (who no longer like to be called boyfriend and girlfriend!)
Melissa and Evelyn
Becka and Ange

Grandma cuddles
Anita, Odin and Orion
Daddy cuddles

Yesterday Caleb went to "the most funnest birthday party ever." It was Dungeons & Dragons themed. He dressed up in his knight costume and apparently followed a map, sought for dragon eggs and even took part in an epic ogre battle. Thieved a few pictures from the birthday girl's mom: