Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Month 2 milestones

Here's the second milestone installment.

Evelyn's second month developmental milestones include the following:
-babbles when spoken to
-lifts head for longer periods
-sleeps up to 7.5 hours at night (but most often one bout of 4-5 hours and then up every hour)
-sucks on fists
-grabs and holds onto hair
-bathes in the big tub
-fits in six month clothing
-attends Sunday Magic league events

A neat aspect of Evelyn getting bigger is that we can tell more easilly what she enjoys. Evelyn's favourite things to do lately, in order of preference, are:
1. Drinking milk
2. Punching/kicking/wiggling diaperless on change table
3. Bath time
4. Going for walks in her stroller
5. Being talked or sang to

She's kicking/punching/wiggling on a lot of these!

It's Super Baby!

I asked Caleb to try to make her smile - this wasn't what I had in mind!

Dexter yawning - he thought this was all pretty boring
Part grimace and part smile

Evelyn's deer in the headlights imitation
"Read the sign"

Dance moves demo

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