Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Thanksgiving time outings

Met Ronin

Close friends of ours that live down the street had their baby boy. His name is Ronin and we'll be seeing a lot more of him!

Ronin cuddling with his daddy
Evelyn watching golf on the giant screen

Maya turned two

We commuted to Smith Falls to celebrate the birthday of a very special little girl. Of note: bubble machines are hours of fun and I will own one before Evelyn's first birthday party!

Birthday girl chasing bubbles
Maya's brother and Evelyn's friend Isaac ( he has super strength!)
Evelyn in her party dress
One of our gifts to Maya was Little People superheroes - there's even a lil Wonder Woman!

First sleepover in Mountain Grove

Other than Evelyn's first night in the world that was spent at the hospital, this was her first time spending an overnight away from home. Grandma bought her one of those cute playpen bed/change table combos and everything. Evelyn was unfortunately grumpy for a lot of the visit but there were sweet happy moments that took place, as well.

Oh no: Uncle Roger bought her a doll that supports the wrong team! Confused baby.
Look at all the love!
Morning time naked baby wiggles
Grandma kisses
Evelyn with great-grandma

Walk in Old Aylmer

Old Aylmer is beautiful! I honestly had no idea. Visited a friend's new home and we went for a stroll with the babies. Such a charming little town. Not at all like Hull or Gatineau - more like Chelsea or Wakefield.

Evelyn and her almost one year old buddy Leo
Giving Dominique big smiles

Thanksgiving picnic

This was our first picnic of the year. We pack up pinwheel sandwich wraps and sporty activities and head to the local park. It's one of our only family outings that includes Dexter.

Mommy and Liana day

Liana and I try to get out once a month, just the two of us. This month we chose to go for lunch at Cafe My House and then shopping at Terra 20. The food was delicious but pricey. Not pictured below was a tomato and nut cheese salad (my first time trying a nut cheese and to my surprise it was AMAZING!), butternut squash balls topped with a black bean sauce, and taramisu.

Liana and her giant tempeh burger main
Liana's raw butternut squash, lemon and maple dessert (tastier than it sounds!)

No pictures available outings

Evelyn and I also went shopping with a very pregnant friend at the local posh baby stores. We had a late night visit with an out of town friend. We had a lovely thanksgiving lunch at my parents' in the company of my cousin and her family. And we had a full day visit from a friend. Guess I just try to balance taking a lot of pictures without feeling like I have to have the camera at arms reach all of the time.


Hanging around the house

Evelyn sitting on mommy's spot
Liana's homework setup - good thing we have a lot of counter space
Evelyn playing with her favourite toy while mommy preps dinner
Liana working on an art project
Gearing up for a stroll
Sitting down makes her look so big!
Getting some fresh air
New toy
Why so serious?
Liana giving Evelyn a fussy Evelyn a baby massage
Sisters hanging out
A rest after helping mommy rake the front lawn
Make do seat after making a giant diaper mess on her swing

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