Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Easter in the Grove

We crammed into our clown car and drove down to Mountain Grove for the long weekend. Evelyn's two top middle teeth made an appearance (her bunny teeth!) and she turned 10 months on Easter Sunday. Darcy and Dave set up the trampoline and we all generally spent a lot of time outdoors as it was beautiful.

Darcy's old elementary school Land of Lakes (LOL!)
Zena, Casey's puppy
Evelyn's first time going down the slide! She cried the first time, puked the second time (thrill ride!), and then was pretty neutral about it. My guess is it felt like falling and she was confused as to why we sounded excited. Funny picture though as Darcy had no idea she was upset.

Evelyn's favourite game to play with daddy!
The angle on this makes it look crazy high!

It was Evelyn and Zena's first Easter

Evelyn's first time on the trampoline
We think she'll get more out of it next summer!

Imitating the bunny?

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Month 10 Milestones

Special edition from Mountain Grove!

Evelyn got too big for her baby bucket car seat this past month. She's graduated to a bigger and better convertible rear-facing seat.

She's still practicing the things she started doing last month. She's more stable and braver when standing and assisted walking. She tries things like standing while holding on with one hand, turning around, and dancing. 

Evelyn's been very into music. She's been singing, dancing, playing on the big piano, and helping daddy play guitar.

Today on her 10 month birthday and Easter, funny girl's two top middle teeth poked through.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Hipster shopping in the Glebe + Proulx Farm at Easter time

Hipster shopping in the Glebe

Liana and I went to the Glebe recently for some shopping. First, we went to the Great Glebe Emporium to buy very pretty kitchen things. Next stop was the Unrefined Olive for tasting and purchase of olive oils and balsamic vinaigrettes, mixed with such tastes as pomgrenade and dark chocolate. Finlly we ended at David's Tea.

Proulx Farm at Easter time

Caleb's turn to go to the sugar bush! Proulx is a fun one because of the play structures and animals. Also, they have amazing bacon (well, pork rinds). We were in company with Becka, Lucien, and the Stewart family. After almost five hours we headed home - it was 2:45pm and Caleb asked if it was almost bedtime. He fell asleep in the car for the first time in a very long time.


The weirdest picture of the day

Wagon ride

A good scare


Two beggars!

Strawbeery cupcakes with cream cheese icing

Making cupcakes is serious business

A big house for a little penguin

Decorating vegan chocolate bunny faces for his sister


Loving her new car seat

A long afternoon of errands

New outfit for Easter from grandma